Toronto Launch for Botanica Tinctoria

Toronto Launch for Botanica Tinctoria

Designers, artists, friends and family gathered on Oct. 3rd at the Contemporary Textile Studio Co-op in Toronto to celebrate the launch of the Botanica Tinctoria line. With lots of help from CTS members and friends and from OCADU students, the launch was a great success!

Guests at the launch

Jackets and ties from a collaboration with Toronto artist Michelangelo Iaffaldano, embroidered in Eri silk embroidery threads on upcycled menswear.

Botanica Tinctoria products laid out on the studio print table. Rick Racks and Voile Fabrics

Natural dye specialist Thea Haines selecting Eri silk embroidery threads


The full colour range shown in organic cotton ribbons.

Upcycled men's shirts re-worked into women's blouses with edgings and embroidery in Botanica Tinctoria materials.


The Moustache Men: Men's ties embroidered with Eri silk embroidery thread; designs from drawings by Noah Gehman.


Voile cotton dresses - printed with drawings of various lace and trims.

Rachel MacHenry

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